What we do


Cadets learn the theory of flight and the controls in gliders and powered aircraft. We run flying activities where cadets have an opportunity to learn the controls and have a go at flying. For more senior cadets, there are several week long national aviation courses available where cadets have an opportunity to fly solo in a powered aircraft or glider. All flying activities have an associated  cost, however this is often significantly lower than private flying lessons. These activities are optional, and there is still a lot to be gained by attending other lower cost activities.


We offer firearms safety and marksmanship training with our very own rifles. We use .22 rifles on 25 metre ranges. We hold regular range days where cadets can earn shooting badges, and we compete against other units in regional, national and even international shooting competitions.

Cadets complete thorough training before they fire their first round. Senior cadets have the opportunity to qualify as Shooting Coaches, allowing them to help run shooting activities.


Our bushcraft syllabus provides Cadets with life long transferable skills and gets them used to the outdoors. We teach navigation, tramping, camping, camouflage, search and rescue, how to cross rivers/large waterways safely and first aid. 


One of our keys aims is to prepare New Zealand's successful leaders of tomorrow. We provide many leadership opportunities within a safe environment to encourage our cadets to reach their full potential. As cadets advance, there are opportunities to attend fully funded leadership courses held at Burnham Millitary Camp. These courses involve staying on-base for a week and learning all about leadership, public speaking and more. 


The aim of drill is to develop a cadet who is proud, obedient, self-disciplined and to provide the basis of teamwork. We parade every Tuesday and partake in drill regularly. In April each year, you will get to participate in local ANZAC day services. There are also opportunities to compete in drill competitions! 


Cadets have the opportunity to go on partially and fully funded courses around the country for activities such as national aviation power flying, national aviation navigation, gliding, junior and senior non-commissioned officer leadership courses, bushcraft, drone operating and skills competitions. These courses are run out of New Zealand defence force establishments giving cadets an insight into base life.